Influence with Impact - Where Professionalism, Ethics & Excellence Meet (Code of Ethics) - IN-PERSON ONLY
Influence with Impact - Where Professionalism, Ethics & Excellence Meet (Code of Ethics) - IN-PERSON ONLY
Thursday, January 23, 2025 (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (MST)
This session will raise your level of professionalism through a higher code of ethics, an awareness of how to be in exceptional excellence while you improve your personal integrity to be impeccable. This will create a boost in morale and create excellence across the board. It is amazing what can be done as you raise the tide, which lifts all ships. Allow your higher code of ethics to be your guiding light. Watch teams come together for a profound impact and a strengthened community. Identify where you are and what gets to change in your life to have improved relationships, increased professionalism, raised confidence and phenomenal success.
Instructor: Kris Barney
Credits: 4 Credit Hours
CE Class Sponsor
Purchase the class one of three ways:
Individual Class - $20/credit hour
Registration and Voucher purchases will be open 12:00pm on January 2, 2025
Registration for all classes closes at noon the day before each class.
110 Cooperative Way
Kalispell, MT 59901 United States
Education Classes